A first-of-its-kind on Accessible Procurement globally identifying systemic barriers in procurement and supplier diversity.
Strategic consulting services including research, planning, internal education and barrier remediation.
Deep dive workshops on barrier remediation in procurement along with educational seminars for all levels of the organization.
A software solution removing barriers in supplier diversity to help procurement organizations develop, manage and track lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with diverse suppliers.
A platform as a service solution to manage the full accessibility life-cycle of large, complex real estate portfolios. Collect, manage, report and plan using comprehensive building data, improve costs and create inclusive experiences for employees, customers and the public.
The only knowledgebase of inclusive design on invisible disabilities in the market to assist organizations include people with invisible disabilities in the design of products, services and facilities.
With over 100 million square feet of real estate assessed, Adaptability Canada is a leader in delivering comprehensive data for operational and capital planning in real estate.
Adaptability Canada is the leading supplier and installer of TWIs in Canada working directly with manufacturers for exit stairwells, high end finishes and pools.
Full renovations and upfits of public washrooms to embrace best practices for accessible washrooms.
For residential condominium clients, a full suite of stylish accessible and standard bathroom accessories.
Custom designed and standardized municipal wayfinding for life safety, exit stairwells, common areas and architectural features.
2 – 520, Coronation Drive, Toronto, ON, Canada