Adaptability Canada has developed and delivered 2 unique workshops designed for large purchasing organizations to begin the journey towards accessible procurement.
Day 1: State of Supplier Diversity and background on issues related to your organization’s supplier diversity program
Day 2: Identifying and understanding 3 critical barriers to the participation of suppliers with disabilities
Day 3: Path forward and remediation enabling you to update your supplier diversity program to increase participation and success of disabled suppliers.
Cost: $8,000 CAD
Preparation: Interviews with internal stakeholders to understand the current state of your procurement organization in the following areas: Policy, process, technology, data, documents, communications and relationships.
Day 1: State of Procurement and background on issues related to your organization.
Day 2: Identifying and understanding 3 critical barriers to the participation of people with disabilities.
Day 3: Path forward and remediation enabling you to update your ACA planning and begin to plan for internal change along with identifying Quick wins that can be accomplished under 12 months with existing resources.
Cost: $20,000 CAD
2 – 520, Coronation Drive, Toronto, ON, Canada